Saturday, April 21, 2007

Boulders Beach

Boulders Beach, located near Simon's Town, is home to a colony of 3000 African Penguins (from 2 breeding pairs in 1982). There are only two other penguin colonies on Africa's mainland (the rest are located on islands). These penguins were formerly called Jackass Penguins because they sound like donkeys when they bray. The African Penguin population was reduced by 90 percent over the course of the 20th century.
Simon's Town served as the winter harbor (June to September in the Southern Hemisphere) for many trading ships, as it was safer than Table Bay near Cape Town. In addition, the city served as a naval base for the British Royal Navy from the early nineteenth century to 1957 (interestingly, British officials at Simon's Town were responsible for Napolean Bonaparte's health when he was exiled to St. Helena Island in the south Atlantic from 1815-1821 and the base played an important role in stoping the African slave trade). It is currently a naval base for the South African Navy.


Anonymous said...

Hot. I had no idea that there were penguins in Africa.

Anonymous said...

Where's the U of D shirt? Are they in the wash? Love, mom

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, wouldn't mind picking one up as a pet...